Sweet colors
How do you & Artime help change the world?
For each Artime you buy we'll help plant a tree together with our friends www.plantarumaarvore.org
Light, versatile and sustainable, Artime easily folds from a wall clock into a desk clock with no waste of material.
Artime optimizes it's footprint by the use of recyclable material, sustainable design processes and use of 100% Portuguese suppliers.
To celebrate this bond between Time and Nature we've created a partnership with the NGO "Plantar uma Árvore" so that for each Artime you buy we'll help plant a tree.
Collection in collaboration with the Digital Artist - Danny Ivan
Compressed cardboard
Digital double laminated print
German clock mechanism
370mm X 260 mm X 25mm
Dimensions with packaging:
385mm X 280 mm X 60mm
+/- 350 gr
Delivery time:
1 - 2 weeks